With every Empowered Special collected under one vast roof, Empowered Unchained sprays a shrapnel salvo of sizzling superhero satire, written by the almighty Adam Warren and illustrated by Warren and comicdom’s most feared makers of pictures heroic! Featuring grave-robbing supervillains! Broom-swinging vigilantes! Slutty cyberangels! Animal crimebots! Boozy ninja! Angry spaceships! And more!
“Adam Warren continues to beat the odds and persists in getting better and better with his spicy superhero romp.”—Popdose
“The short and skinny is that this is a book that is silly and fun on the surface, but has a lot more working for it underneath.”—Florida Geek Scene
- Writer:
- Adam Warren
- Artists:
- Brandon Graham, Emily Warren, John Staton, Ryan Kinnaird, Takeshi Miyazawa, Adam Warren
- Colorists:
- Brandon Graham, Emily Warren, Ryan Kinnaird, Guru eFX
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Empowered and the Soldier of Love